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Proper Pruning Techniques

Pruning is a very important aspect of gardening and doing it the right way is critical to the plants health, structure and growth. My service concentrates on doing it at the right time of year depending on the plant.

Seasonal Pruning

Different plants need cutting back at different times of year, this is done to promote good growth and optimal fruit and flowering, whether its pruning back a Buddleja in spring, apple trees in summer or Peonies in autumn.


Using the vertical space in a garden maximises its potential and climbers are a great way to do this. They tend to grow with great vigour and need pruning, whether its a Clematis, Honeysuckle, Passion flower, Jasmin or a Wisteria, they all have different times to cut them back, if you do this incorrectly it can mean that you miss a season of flowers and blooms.


Topiary can be shaped in many different forms, the regular being spheres and cones, although other shapes can be formed, including spirals and different animal shapes. Many require a long time to grow using mesh structures and require a lot of skill to get right, they are usually made from Buxus or Yew and require sharp tools to create the best finish. They need to be cut regularly to encourage thicker growth.


Roses come in many different forms, climbing, rambling, hybrid tea, shrub, tree, floribunda and minature roses. They all require regular deadheading to encourage flowers and pruning at the right times of year to give the rose a good framework for the plant to thrive.

Fruit Trees & Shrubs

In order for your trees and shrubs to give you an abundance of fruit, pruning is vital. It needs to be done at the right time of year to enable your plants to thrive, if it is not, then the opposite can occur. We concentrate on winter and summer pruning, training espaliers, cordons or fans and can also do soft fruits, from raspberries to gooseberries.


Pruning hedges gives your garden structure, whether its an informal or formal space. There are many different types from deciduous, evergreen and flowering. Depending on what hedge you have will depend on how often they need cutting back, some grow quicker than others. But all will need at least one if not two cuts a year to make them look tidy.

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